This relaxing massage is focused in your back, neck and shoulder so it helps to release the accumulate tension of those areas.
A massage conceived to pamper your feed & legs. Helps to reduce inflammations and to eliminate excess liquid. Relieves fatigue and legs ache.
A delicious, soothing and Relaxing complete body massage with the traditional Swedish technique. Heps to release mental tension and physical well-being.
Aromatherapy is the use of natural aromatic plants oils for an emocional, mental and physical well-being. Eases both muscular and mental tension obtaining a total balance. In the 60 min. or 90 min. Massage are applied various techniques to achieve a deep therapeutic effect and balance.
This restoring massage helps to reduce stress, improving Join mobility and blood circulation. Relieves muscular tension using various techniques like Swedish massage, Shiatsu, Reflexology, Lomi-lomi Stretching, etc.
Especially created for Sports or people who prefer deep tissue massage. Releases fatigue and muscular tension. In the 80 min. Massage are applied essential oils in certain areas and stretching movements. Ideal for accumulated stress.
This soothing, relaxing massage helps to drain all the organism waste and toxins for a better lymph drainage.
This soothing therapy with hot stones helps to relieve sore and tense muscles. An energetic balance is attained with this deep warm nurturing massage performed with soft round river rocks. Cold rocks in shoulders and neck are used to help ease more affected areas.
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